H.B. Reese Candy Co. Advertisement - 1933
1933 H.B. Reese Candy Company advertisement featuring a 1928 photograph of H.B. Reese with his wife Blanche and their 14 living children (the 16 reasons why you should always eat REESE'S). Two of their children, Mildred and Thomas, had already died. Their son, William, held in his mother's lap died shortly after this photograph was taken, while his twin brother, Charles, survived and is held in his father's lap.
multi-purpose template​

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amazing things for you​

Always write benefits over features. Mention all the benefits or services with some real examples. Focus on how you can help and benefit your user. Use simple words so that you don’t confuse people. Say as much in as few words as possible.

Speak directly to users using you not I or we.

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